The Gorgorian are an orgre-like species, infamous and feared across the Argoroth sector for their hunting and raiding packs. Within the Argoroth sector they are often seen as nomads, travelling the sector in search of slaves, food and intelligence, refusing to share the location of their homeworld. Tremendous physical strenght and a dangerous bite makes these reptillians are dangerous adversary, not easily trusting others and often revolting in their attitude, the Crockagator have an actually quite a sophisticated society based on caste systems and ranks. Their thick reptillian hides allows them a natural barrier against threats and as such are not in need of wearing armor. Sadly the Cargura suffered a lot during their time, being ignorant of the dangers of the Argoroth sectors, the Cargura became prey for the harvasting Mandabit and the slavers and raiders of Gorgoroth.Ĭrockagator are a dangerous, hostile and brutal species found in the Endless Space, their hunger and thirst for power is well known and feared, though they are also cunning traders. A cluster of starships of Cargura once sought a way to travel to Elen'Naneth but were relocated to the Endless Space.įinding a new planet to settle upon, they named their new homeworld Kirioohsk and brought for a booming civilization known across the sector for its spiritual and peaceful society.

The Cargura native to the Argoroth were once native to the Cyrannus Galaxy. Though rare and not often near the borders of the inhabited areas, those that venture into the Voids often encounter schools of these squid like creatures.ĭrawn to plasma and electricity to feast upon, those that cannot escape the tentacles will often wound up dead as the creatures devour the ships. The Argotus are massive space entities living in the Voids of Nothingness of the Argoroth Sector and are widely feared for their appearance. Cultural Characteristics: Hungry - Hostile - Suffocating.Large areas are devoted of life, known to the natives as the Void of Nothingness. The Arogorth Sector provides a diversity of planets and native inhabitants or migrated inhabitants that found themselves in the sector after relocations from the Cyrandia Cluster. More curious, it seems more relocations from the Cyrandia Cluster have occured in the Argoroth Sector in the past, including a fleet led by the Cogsangui Fleetlord N'thavo Xellunaion or in past times an expedition fleet of the Cargura. The Argoroth Sector was the point of relocation for the USS Elgorodaurl in 2802 (04 AQF)after being hit by an anomaly in Metruia Nebula of the Quadrants. Only the south-west holds a corridor leading to the next sector, though borders the territories of the terrifying Mandabit and their Harvesters. They discovered that the sector is surrounded by at least a four month barrier of "nothingness" that spans the north, east and southern parts. The longest space faring civilization within the sector include the T'varuuh who explored most of their neighbouring nations.